Dear readers and Informant aficionados, this book is intended to be acompanion volume to our 2020 PUZZLE QUEST. Our primary intention was to provideyou with as much quality material for self-study as possible. So, it was quitenatural to present to you a book with a complete coverage of most instructiveand entertaining endgames that were played in 2020. However, a simple endgamepuzzle book did not satisfy our goal. Therefore, we tried to make our selectiondetailed, rich in motifs and theoretically comprehensive. Many of the endgamesare explained in great depth, with numerous theoretical principles fleshed out,so this book could be used as instructive endgame manual as well.
All the endgame positions are extracted from games played during 2020,when most of the games were played online in shorter time controls. Quitenaturally, most endgames were not played to perfection, but contained seriousmistakes, wrong game plans, or terrible blunders. In such cases we providedvery detailed explanations and guidelines so you can evaluate your own endgametechnique and fill gaps in your endgame play.
We are convinced that this book will prove to be more than an overviewof the best endgames played in 2020, and that you will return to it very oftenseeking advice and refreshing your knowledge.
·Complete coverage ofmost instructive and interesting endgames in 2020
·151 carefully selectedendgame positions
·Check yourknowledge with 42 test positions
Practice your planning and decision-making skills in the final phase ofthe game!
Ivan Ivanisevic
Chess Informant
240 pages
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